亨利(考特尼·万斯 Courtney B. Vance 饰)是小镇上受人敬仰的牧师,他的妻子茱莉亚(惠特尼·休斯顿 Whitney Houston 饰)则是教会唱诗班的主唱,这对璧人在旁人眼中是一对天衣无缝的伉俪,可是实际上,他们要面临的问题远比一般人所设想的多得多。 作为一名牧师,亨利要做的事情并非只有传教那么简单,他还要负责处理教会中发生了许多棘手的意外,这令亨利感到疲惫不堪,与此同时,对于家庭的疏忽让他和茱莉亚之间的感情也亮起了红灯。某日,走投无路的亨利向上帝祈祷,希望主能够帮他度过难关,谁知道上帝真的实现了他的愿望,派来一位名叫杜德利(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)的天使来到了亨利的身边。
This four-episode docuseries takes an in-depth look at the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and the trial that dominated the news cycle in the mid-1990s, from the chase on LA freeways to the riveting court proceedings. Featuring new and candid interviews with key individuals — including Goldman’s sister Kim, O.J. Simpson prosecutor Christopher Darden, L.A. police detective Mark Fuhrman, O.J. Simpson defense attorney Carl Douglas, and key witness Kato Kaelin — informed by 30 years of reflection, the series reexamines the true crime story that changed American culture .
When a massive explosion tears a hole in a 747 over Hawaii, nine passengers strapped to their seats are sucked out of the cabin. With two engines on fire, the flight crew somehow manages to turn the crippled plane around to land in Honolulu. And though investigators immediately suspect an act of terrorism is to blame, the search for answers ultimately leads to a deadly short circuit.