The documentary follows the investigation of Sophie Toscan Du Plantier, a French film and TV producer who was killed while at her isolated holiday cottage in West Cork, Ireland, in 1996.
When Pompeii was destroyed by an apocalyptic volcano in 79 AD, another Roman town was also destroyed and experts now use cutting-edge tech to investigate the secrets of Vesuvius' second victim.
正值英格兰17世纪中叶内战期间,战场上炮火隆隆,死伤遍野。作为保皇党一员的怀特黑德(里斯·谢尔史密斯 Reece Shearsmith 饰)偶然遭遇三个厌倦了战争的家伙:卡特勒(瑞恩·波普 Ryan Pope 饰)、雅各布(皮特·费德南多 Peter Ferdinando 饰)和弗兰德(理查德·格劳弗 Richard Glover 饰)。他们远离战场喧嚣,漫无目的前行,途中遭遇了强势粗野的爱尔兰男人奥尼尔(迈克尔·史麦利 Michael Smiley 饰)。奥尼尔很快统领了这个逃兵四人组,他指挥四人前去挖掘神秘宝藏。由此踏上了一段诡异反常的旅途,等待他们的将是什么……