Social realism regarding struggles of reservation-dwelling Native Americans in the North Central states of the US. Main character is an introspective and lovable person in a process of seeking pride and identity through tradtional and mystical means of gathering power. His high school friend, who is a Vietnam War Veteran, is exerting power as a highly principled social activist, using a modern rational materialist adversarial model of progress.
Derek Jarman根据布里顿《战争安魂曲》所摄的影片。主要人物为《战争安魂曲》歌词的作者欧文,后者为英国诗人,战死于第一次世界大战。德高望重的劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士出演片中的一名老兵。这也是奥利弗爵士的最后一次银幕亮相。
A film with no dialogs, just follows the lyrics of the Britten's oratorium, that criticize the war's horrors. It shows the story of an englishman soldier and a nurse (his bride) during the World War II. It combines many real scenes of contemporary wars (WWII, Vietnam, Angola, etc.)
美国南方某偏僻小镇,华莱斯殡仪馆的老板弗雷瑟(道格•布拉德利 Doug Bradley 饰)盗取并出售死者器官,再命其子邦特(道格拉斯•罗伯特 Douglas Roberts 饰)将尸体丢入林中沼泽。其罪行隐蔽谨慎,长久以来无人知晓。某晚,华莱斯一家的罪行被路过的年轻人撞破,他们残酷割掉年轻人的肾脏,却也使罪行大白天下。
华莱斯一家被捕后,警方随即在林中展开搜查,发现大量被杀害和丢弃的尸体,美丽少妇茉莉(苔丝•潘泽 Tess Panzer 饰)的儿子亦在其中。由于没有直接证据给华莱斯一家定罪,悲愤交加的茉莉决定请求深居林中的女巫婆哈吉丝(Lynne Verrall 饰)帮助她复仇。哈吉丝答应了她的请求,并利用巫术复活了恐怖邪恶的南瓜头。一场血腥杀戮旋即展开……
Filmed in Canada, Iran, and the United States, Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani examines the life and mathematical work of Maryam Mirzakhani, an Iranian immigrant to the United States who became a superstar in her field. In 2014, she was both the first woman and the first Iranian to be honored by mathematics' highest prize, the Fields Medal. Mirzakhani's contributions are explained by leading mathematicians and illustrated by animated sequences. Her mathematical colleagues from around the world, as well as former teachers, classmates, and students in Iran today, convey the deep impact of her achievements. The path of her education, success on Iran's Math Olympiad team, and her brilliant work, make Mirzakhani an ideal role model for girls looking toward careers in science and mathematics.