When the Viking space capsule suddenly returns to Earth from its long ago trip to Mars, it brings with it an intelligent visitor that is part "Alien" and part "ET". Encased in armor, it extends a humanlike form from its shell to examine its surroundings and shows an interest in humans including a soft caress of a female scientist prior to the Army killing it. This only enrages its sibling.
银河帝国再建威力更大的新“死星”,试图彻底消灭抵抗力量。卢克?天行者(马克?哈米尔 Mark Hamill 饰)派机器人R2-D2和C-3PO前往塔图因星贾霸处协商交换被冷冻的韩?索罗(哈里森?福特饰)未果;后在莉亚公主(卡里?费什尔 Carrie Fisher 饰),猿人丘巴卡(彼得?梅林 Peter Mayhew 饰)和蓝多?卡瑞辛(比利?迪?威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams 饰)的帮助下终于营救成功。在尤达师傅处,卢克发现了更多关于自己身世的秘密,也终于决定迎接成为一个绝地武士的终极挑战。卢克回到抵抗组织参与攻打“死星”行动,与韩?索罗,莉亚公主,丘巴卡,机器人R2-D2和C-3PO共同前往森林密布的恩多星破坏“死星”防护罩的能源站,与此同时蓝多?卡瑞辛驾驶千年隼飞船带领各部施展航空打击。没曾想卢克一行人刚踏上恩多星,就遭遇当地部...
由Erich von Daniken撰写,1968年出版的畅销书《诸神的战车》提出了一个“远古外星人”的理论,颠覆了人们对于人类进程的信念。远古洞穴壁画中奇异的生物,秘鲁的飞机跑道遗迹,和印第安文字中所描述的“神的飞行器”这些反常的考古文物只是一小部分被von Daniken引用作为远古外星宇航员早已被我们的祖先所熟知的例证。
本片由von Daniken自己独立制作,《远古外星人》开始了全新的探险,寻找并评估这些证据。专注于最近30年间的最新发现,包括人类进化中不寻常的DNA和从埃及到叙利亚,到南美洲的最新解密的艺术品。这是对于一个从很多方面来说不能全信,但又不能被忽视的理论的一场没有偏向的调查。
Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and man's own development?
Presented in the 1968 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken, the theory of "ancient aliens" rocked people's beliefs in mankind's progress. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian texts that describe the "flying machines of the gods" were just a few of the odd archaeological artifacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors.
Produced with the exclusive cooperation of von Daniken himself, Ancient Aliens launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on the latest discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man's evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.
01末日预言The Doomsday Prophecies
02玛雅人的阴谋The Mayan Conspiracy
03小灰人The Greys
04外星人与大灾变Aliens and Mega-Disasters
05与美国太空总署的联系The NASA Connection
06普马彭古的秘密The Mystery of Puma Punku
07外星人和大脚怪Aliens and Bigfoot
08达芬奇阴谋The Da Vinci Conspiracy
09时间旅行者The Time Travelers
10外星人和恐龙Aliens and Dinosaur
如果地球上的生命起源于外星球,远古外星人到访过地球,他们留下了哪些遗产,又留下了哪些线索,以证明他们曾在此驻足停留? 远古外星人他们是谁,又怀揣着什么目的而来?
Daniken制作,History Channel电视台发行的《远古外星人》开始了第二季全新的探险,继续带着各位剧迷寻找并评估外星人降临地球的证据。从亚洲到非洲,从欧洲再到南美洲,让我们一起见证历史吧。
历史频道(英文:The History Channel)是美国一个专门播放历史相关纪录片的电视频道,于全球各地设立多个版本,部份更会播放人物史、军事历史、工程发明等电视节目。历史频道成立于1995年1月1日,由“Arts & Entertainment”联营公司(Hearst、美国广播公司、全国广播公司)和天空(Sky)新闻集团所创立和营运[1];及后扩展至世界各地,包括英国、亚太区等。