大盗方托马斯(让·马莱 Jean Marais 饰)易容潜入了拉谢里爵士(让-罗歇·科斯西蒙 Jean-Roger Caussimon 饰)家,向在那里聚会的一干富翁发出了杀人预告,方托马斯声称如果不能在预定的日期之前向他缴纳巨额的“生存税”,他就会一个接一个的将富翁们杀死。无奈之下,拉谢里爵士只得报了警。
记者方多(让·马莱 Jean Marais 饰)和警长瑞福(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)是方托马斯的老对手了,他们一直想将后者捉拿归案,却屡屡遭其戏弄。警长一行人来到了拉谢里爵士家,可屡屡出现的只有警长能够看见的凶案现场让大家开始渐渐怀疑起警长的精神是否正常,而这一切都是方托马斯一手策划的阴谋。
Hell On Wheels!
The Year Was 1964, and The Battle Was Just Beginning!
A Way Of Life [rerelease]
We are the mods, we are the mods. We are, we are, we are the mods.
本片由The Who监制,配乐除了使用The Who的Quadrophenia专辑当中的音乐外,还加上Mods最爱的黑人灵魂乐等乐风,Sting在当中也有饰演一角。
A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post, where he saves the manager's wife from an Indian attack, and enlists the help of two outlaws to continue his journey more safely. However, the Indian attacks persist, the outlaws plan to take Billy for themselves, tempt...