年轻的X教授查尔斯(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)和万磁王埃里克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是一对志向相投的好朋友。他们最早发现了自己的超能力,并与其他几个变种人一起在CIA工作。引发埃里克超能力的纳粹战争贩子肖(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)一直试图挑起核战争,而想方设法挑起美苏两国的矛盾。埃里克和查尔斯一直与肖手下的变种人战斗,努力阻止肖的阴谋。肖怂恿苏联引发古巴导弹危机,查尔斯和埃里克获知消息后,在海湾与肖手下的变种人拉开了对决的一战。最终,肖被查尔斯和埃里克合力消灭。可是,在这个过程中,埃里克逐渐被肖的政治观点影响,与查尔斯产生裂痕。通过海湾的这一战,埃里克和查尔斯最终决裂,一方变成支持人类与变种人和平共存的X教授;另一方坚持通过消灭人类换来变种人兴起的观点,自称万磁王......
故事的设定发生在当下,变种人族群遭到了前所未有的毁灭性打击,而这一切的根源是“魔形女”瑞文(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)在1973年刺杀了玻利瓦尔·特拉斯克(彼特·丁拉基 Peter Dinklage 饰)。在得知“幻影猫”(艾伦·佩吉 E llen Page 饰)利用穿越时空的能力帮助Blink(范冰冰 饰)等战友逃脱巨型机器人“哨兵”的追杀后,X教授(帕特里克·斯图尔特 Patrick Stewart 饰)和万磁王(伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)达成认同,决定让金刚狼(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)穿越回1973年,找到年轻的X教授(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)和年轻的万磁王(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)并说服他们一起阻止魔形女的行动。于是,金刚狼踏上了回到过去的旅程,但是命运会不会发生逆转,任何人都无从知晓。
The Queen of Kalahari. A 52-minute fictional documentary that tells the incredible tale of a diamond - of its natural state in a mine in Botswana to the final piece of jewellery, revealed to the eyes of the world during an exceptional evening in Paris at the Théatre du Chatelet. The Queen of Kalahari is the story of a diamond with historic colour and dimensions... one of the di...
For decades some have suspected that there might be others out there, intelligent beings capable of communicating with us, even visiting our world. It might sound like science fiction, but today scientists from across the globe are scouring the universe for signals from extraterrestrials.
In 2006, husband and wife team Duncan Lorimer and Maura McLaughlin discovered an enigmatic...
修建在南极布伦特冰架上的英国最尖端科学考察站哈利六号(Halley VI)遇到麻烦,巨大冰裂缝距离科考站只有6公里。本片讲述为价值近3千万英镑的哈利搬家的艰难工程。
Last year, Natalie Hewit documented the British Antarctic Survey’s attempt to drag Halley VI, its 981-tonne research station, 23km to a safer location as the Brunt ice shelf it stands on begins to break up. The “beakers” – the science folk – make up a small minority of those involved – there are ...
Volcanoes have long helped shape the Earth. But what is less well known is that there are volcanoes on other planets and moons that are even more extraordinary than those on our own home planet.
Horizon follows an international team of volcanologists in Iceland as they draw fascinating parallels between the volcanoes on Earth and those elsewhere in the solar system. Through the...
A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS.
On the morning of 12 May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - putting not just data but patients lives at risk, and on eve...
This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British ...
The car has shrunk the world, increased personal freedom and in so many ways expanded our horizons, but there is a flipside. Fumes from car exhausts have helped to destroy our environment, poisoned the air we breathe and killed us in far more straightforward ways. But all that is going to change.
This episode enters a world where cars can drive themselves, a world where we are ...
在“索科维亚战役”两年后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)识破了洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)的伪装,辗转找到了被放逐到地球的奥丁(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)。然而垂死的奥丁却告知两个儿子,“诸神的黄昏”已经开始,曾遭到奥丁封禁的死亡女神海拉(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)即将重返阿斯加德。与海拉的初次对决中,索尔失去了雷神之锤,他和洛基也被打落至混乱不堪的萨卡星。在萨卡的决斗场上,索尔重逢失踪许久的绿巨人,也见到了曾从海拉魔爪下逃得一生的女武神。