Preparing for her wedding, Kübra gets possessed by unknown livings. To cure Kübra, a psychiatrist, Ebru, gets on way. Ebru is also an old friend of Kübra. Ebru would work together with an exorcist to save Kübra. Just when things seemed to be going well, everything start going horribly wrong.
Documentary telling the remarkable story of Donald Trump's family history, an extraordinary immigration success story. What can we learn about the next President of the United States from his background?
Ah Huang, Ah Qiang and Ah Hui have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Ah Huang's mounting debts drive him to desperate measures, Ah Qiang and Ah Hui agree to lend him money. He uses the money to build an illegal business. Even after the business become successful, he refuses to repay the money to his friends. However, when the business collapses, Ah Huang is fo...
时隔七年,贝爷再次出道,全新《Man vs Wild》特别篇上线!在《荒野求生》系列节目中,野外探险专家贝尔置身于极为恶劣的自然环境,展现了非凡的求生技巧。在印度特辑中,贝爷首次登陆印度开启冒险之旅,搭档印度总理莫迪,来到了印度科比特国家公园,在湿冷的喜马拉雅山脚下,一起深入险境,探索孟加拉虎栖息地,穿越冰冷湍急的河流,探讨人与自然的共处之道。在此之前,莫迪荣获了联合国地球卫士奖,节目中也看到莫迪对于自然的敬畏与保护。
菲尔·哈里斯船长 (Capt. Phil Harris) 在白令海 (the Bering Sea) 的最后一季的10周年纪念日即将到来,乔什·哈里斯 ( Josh Harris) 进行了一次个人旅程,重新发现使他父亲成为传奇的原因,并接受他作为菲尔的儿子和科内莉亚·玛丽号 (the F/V Cornelia Marie) 的副船长所继承的遗产。
DEADLIEST CATCH: BLOODLINE is produced for Discovery Channel by Fremantle’s Original Productions. For Original Productions Brian Lovett(布莱恩·洛维特), Jeff Hasler(杰夫·哈斯勒), Ernie Avila, Peta Peterson and Arom St...