《YES OR NO》第三季是一档脑洞推理类微综艺,“是不是侦探社”的四位侦探通过一位当事人“是”与“不是”的回答来推理出案件线索,使其串联成一个完整的悬疑推理短片故事。整季节目分为六大主题场景,18个案件,新增定制化团建6期。整季由13名飞行嘉宾助力2名常驻侦探寻找还原案件真相,更有神秘BOSS背后操盘,谁是最后的赢家。
Comedian/musician Reggie Watts brings viewers along on a one-of-a-kind surrealist experimental comedy adventure. The completely improvised show weaves together sketches, short stories, and dream sequences creating a truly unique experience. Filmed live on a soundstage in Los Angeles, Watts waxes poetic about flight, grits, and guns - and takes the audience on a trip fantastic t...